Thursday, May 20, 2010

Table for Two

We have finished our low Japanese style dining table (it look’s kind of like a coffee table I know).

In the last table update we had just finished staining the table, when I realized that I needed to fill in the holes with wood filler. Since then we have sanded the whole thing over again (because the wood filler we used didn’t take the stain that well), re-stained the table, and put a couple of coats of paste wax on it to seal and give it a slight gloss. We also made the legs for it, as you can see from the photo we have two curved legs. The first idea was to have a complete oval for the support the idea being that it would mimic the table top. This idea was flawed in a couple ways the first being that we didn’t have the wood to finish a complete oval, and the second was that when I set up the two ends we liked it much better than the oval idea. So on Monday I glued and screwed the legs together, Tuesday I sanded them down to get the curved look to them, and yesterday we stained, sanded, waxed, and put the whole thing together. Today we got to bring the table home, here is a photo of the table in our living room (we don’t have a dining area because we currently live in a small apartment). The final dimensions are sixteen inches tall by thirty inches wide by forty-eight inches long. And as promised here are some photos of the table in our small apartment (please ignore the mess...).

1 comment:

  1. It looks great!!! You did a very good job. I'm impressed.
