Sunday, July 31, 2011

Harvest Time...

Went outside to check out the garden today and found that we are swimming in the fruits of our labor.  Not really, but we were able to harvest some fruits from the garden.  I got about a pound of cayenne (or serrano, I’m not quite sure just yet) peppers, two eggplants, and a bunch of sunflower seeds.  We also were able to pluck two whole cucumbers from our massive cucumber plant. 

Our two eggplants, Keturah's going to stuff them and bake them.  Should be quite tasty.

We've hung the peppers up  to dry so that they will keep longer (hopefully)

This is one of our biggest sunflowers to date.

Same flower as above, but this shot shows how much the flower was curved and bent.

I’m predicting that we are just keeping our plants alive through this hellish heat we are having so that they can give us at least a decent harvest when it gets cooler.  I’m hoping that’s true, anyway we plan on planting more lettuce, carrots, beans, peas, leeks, onions, garlic, and some other tasty treats when it starts to cool down a bit (probably the end of September or beginning of October).  

I am also making a couple of large vases, about three feet tall, for my mother in law.  She wants to make a fountain out of them.  I’ll post some pictures of them once I take some pictures, I’m working on them at the Fire House so that I don’t have to move them later since I don’t have a kiln large enough to fire them in at our current home. 

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