Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What’s Better than a Good Soak…

I knew I had today off from work I had a long list of jobs I wanted to get finished and/or started today.  What I wasn’t expecting was to not be able to sleep last night; I ended up going to bed around 3:30am.  I’m not sure why I couldn’t sleep, but I was able to research a few things that I was thinking about doing later this year, so it wasn’t a complete waste of a non-sleeping night.  When I woke up this morning at about 7am, I thought I would get an early start on the day but after I ate breakfast I was right back to sleep until 10am.  When I woke up this time I was really groggy, and very dazed.  At the time I didn’t think I would get anything done, but after a sleepy talk with my wife at her work (over the phone of course), and some homemade guacamole I felt suddenly energized.  So I headed out to the garden to have a look around, and saw a length of soaker hose my mother-in-law had given us.  I figured it had been sitting there long enough (about 3 months), and it was time I put it to use. 
I cut a length of garden hose long enough to go from our rain barrels to the garden, attached it to the rain barrels and the other end to the soaker hose.

I then began to twist and loop the soaker hose around half of our garden.  It wasn’t long enough to reach the cucumber, squash, zucchini, a tomato, and the eggplant; I will be watering those by hand for a while until we get more hose, or maybe a drip system.

Here you can see the soaker hose just beginning to get soaked…  That’s one of our Thai hot peppers!!

Here it loops around two of our tomato plants, with some tomatoes on them!!

Here it twists around a tomato, some tomatillos, and two different beans.  There is also a mystery plant in there, we’re not sure what it is but we think it might be a pumpkin.  How it got in the middle of our garden we haven’t the slightest…

These are our cucumbers, they are a little spikey at the moment, but hopefully they will be tasty…

Our first zucchini, these guys are starting out a little slow…

 Our yellow squash on the other had is exploding with fruits.  We already picked a few the other day and already there are a bunch more almost ready to eat!!

We let some of our leeks from last fall go to seed, and the flowers they have are a lot like the onions but these have a slightly purple tint to them.

I set up this little trellis the other day for our watermelon to grow up onto.  We didn’t have any luck last year with watermelon, so hopefully these guys will survive and produce some melons!!

Here are our volunteer veggies (they grew up out of our compost pile we had last year), there are a bunch of cucumbers (with fruits on them already!), and a couple of tomato plants with flowers on them.

Here is another shot of our complete garden; we think it’s looking pretty good so far!

  I picked up this log from the side of the road the other day after driving past it a few times.  Stay tuned I’m going to try and make a couple of things out of it…

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