Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Garden Update

We’ve got our garden going in full swing this spring.  We already have a few tomatoes, some eggplant, and a few squash and zucchini fruits growing.  Let’s begin this whirlwind tour of our garden…
Here is our blackberry plant; we’re keeping it in a container so that it won’t spread to much in our (rented) yard.

This is Keturah’s orange tree, we thought it was dead but it wasn’t quite dead yet.

This is the first squash that started growing on our plant.

Here is an eggplant flower from our Japanese eggplant.

Here is a carrot flower; this one is from the carrots we planted last fall.  We are letting it go to seed so we can collect the seeds for the fall and next spring.

These are our first tomatoes from the plants we grew inside over the winter.

These two tomato plants are the ones we grew inside, they are about three feet tall and growing like crazy.

Here are some cucumbers that sprouted on their own from within our old compost pile; there is a tomato plant in there too.

These basil plants sprouted after I threw some seeds out into the yard last month.

This one is kind of hard to see, but it is a cilantro plant that randomly sprouted up last month.  These grew up from seeds that fell from our cilantro from last year.

Here is a sunflower; again it grew up from some seeds that fell off of our sunflowers from last year.

I’m hoping these are the Thai hot peppers I planted.  I just put the seeds in the ground and I thought they weren’t going to come up, so I bought some regular chile plants to take their place.  But I hope they will turn into some good sized plants.

These are our green onions that we planted two autumns ago; we are hoping to harvest the seeds from these guys too.

Here are some butterflies enjoying some of our onion flowers as well. 

Here are our squash and zucchini plants, they are getting nice and big.  This will be the first year we will get any fruits, last year we had bugs eat all of our plants while they were still young.

This is one of the many pepper plants that I planted this year; it already has some flowers on it.  I planted a row of these guys next to the fence where they will get a lot of sun, and hopefully produce a lot.

Some flowers from an heirloom tomato plant we were given. (also my thumb, and a couple fingers of mine…).

Here is an overall shot of our garden.  We are planning on a few additions to the garden, more on that later.

On a different note we bought some bikes, so we can go biking around town.  We are planning on putting some saddle bags (or something like that) on them so we can bike to the store, or the library.

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