Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How Does Our Garden Grow…

Our garden is growing nicely these days. Some of our plants are starting to flower, which is very exciting. Although some of our other plants are not doing so well. Take our corn for instance; our tallest one is only about 2 feet tall while the rest of them are struggling to reach a pathetic 6 inches. This doesn’t stop them from trying to grow full sized ears of corn (ears that are getting to be bigger than the plants), some of them are even trying to grow multiple ears. They are all (all but one) looking pretty sad, here is a picture of the one that is the most respectable out of the lot.

Here is a picture of the first flowers to pop up on our many tomato plants.

This is the first of our pepper plants to flower; I believe this one is the bell peppers.

This is the first sunflower flower to open up. These guys are looking pretty sad as well, although I still hold our hope for them unlike the corn.

And finally here is one of our lettuces; these guys are getting quite large. I’m actually surprised at how well they are doing. It looks like these will be the first things we will eat out of our garden.

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